2025 |
January 3-6 |
"AstroYoga" with Beatrix |
8,800 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
January 8-11 |
"AstroYoga Therapy" with
Beatrix |
8,800 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
January 13-23 |
"Body, Mind, and Spirit" 10
Day Advanced Yoga Course |
19,000 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
January 24-27 |
Reiki I Initiation with
Beatrix |
6,600 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
February 12-18 |
7 Day Yoga Intensive Course
with Pancho and Beatrix |
11,000 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
February 21-24
Reiki I Initiation with
Beatrix |
6,600 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
March 1-10 |
"Body, Mind, and Spirit" 10
Day Advanced Yoga Course |
19,000 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
March 11-14
"AstroYoga" with Beatrix |
8,800 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
March 18-20 |
Reiki II Initiation with
Beatrix |
9,000 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
July 9-August 7 |
Anatomy II" |
44,000 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
September 1-10 |
"Body, Mind, and Spirit" 10
Day Advanced Yoga Course |
19,000 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
September 11-14 |
Reiki I Initiation with
Beatrix |
6.600 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
September 15-18 |
"AstroYoga" with Beatrix |
8,800 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
September 19-22 |
"AstroYoga Therapy" with
Beatrix |
8,800 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
September 23-26 |
Spectral Healing with
Beatrix |
7,700 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
October 1-10 |
"Body, Mind, and Spirit" 10
Day Advanced Yoga Course |
19,000 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
October 11-14 |
Reiki I Initiation with
Beatrix |
6.600 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
October 15-18 |
"AstroYoga" with Beatrix |
8,800 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
October 19-22 |
"AstroYoga Therapy" with
Beatrix |
8,800 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
October 23-26 |
Spectral Healing with
Beatrix |
7,700 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
November 1-30 |
Anatomy" |
44,000 Baht |
Nong Khai Alternative
Center, Nong Khai, Thailand |
For information or
reservations, contact us at:
*Special Event
Reiki I Re-attunement 2-Day
Workshop ...This is a two day experience
set aside for former Reiki initiates to gather together
in the spirit of love and spend two days in communion
with the positive energy of Reiki...all participants
will be 're-attuned' with the four Reiki I
initiations...during these two days various new guided
meditations and practices will be introduced to open our
spiritual channels and reallign us more deepy with the
heart....Daily Schedule: 10am-1pm and 3-6pm...Price:
5,500 Baht.......Contact Beatrix for
reservations.....e-mail: pantrix@hotmail.com |
Moment Awareness Meditation Workshop " is a form of
mindfulness training that aims to develop
moment-to-moment awareness in our emotions, minds and
bodies in everyday life. In this workshop we find out
what it means to be living in the present and how joyful
life is once we are there. In today's world, frequently
we are "out of time". As our minds are engaged with
either delusions of the anticipated future or the dead
past, we can only have glimpses of being present at
random moments. For most of the time the present moment
passes away before we become aware of it. Only in the
here and now, there exists the simple joy of being
alive. By missing the present moment, we miss the point
of our genuine power. By missing the present moment we
miss the joy of living! In this 3 day workshop we use a
combination of different techniques for mindfulness
training: Yoga asanas, breathing exercises, group
discussions, concentration methods, guided
Meditations.......Price: 5,500 baht all
inclusive.......Contact Beatrix for
reservations.....e-mail: pantrix@hotmail.com |
"The Moon and the
Different Faces of the Feminine"...This
two week workshop is a variation on the general theme
of "Astro-Yoga". Astro-Yoga, in general, is a
form of Yoga which takes account of a person's unique
evolutionary standing based on the positions of
various planetary bodies in a person's astrological
chart and adjusts the standard yoga practice to best
facilitate personal growth of the individual based on
this information.
In astrological terms, the moon can be said to
symbolize 'self image'. This self image, often
described as the "ego", changes as a soul evolves over
time. Understanding the moon's unique standing
as a lens through which the soul is projected can
serve as a point of reference in determining our
present "soul purpose".
"The Moon and the Different Faces of the Feminine"
workshop will concentrate on the position of the moon,
it's aspects and phases in the individual's
astrological chart, in conjunction with other relevant
planetary bodies which relate to different
aspects of the female archetype as a way of tailoring
a practice to meet the needs of that particular
individual. The various modalities through
which this will be explored include: Yogasana,
energy work, meditation, chanting, etc.. The
course will be held daily in two separate sessions:
7-10 am. and 3-6 pm. and will be jointly hosted by
both Pancho and Beatrix. ...Price:
19,000 baht...Contact Pantrix for
"Body, Mind, and Spirit"10
Day Advanced Yoga Retreat...This ten day
workshop is a short version of our popular "30 Day
Advanced Yoga Retreat" (see below for a more complete
description of the longer format) The
various modalities which will be explored
include: Yogasana, energy work, meditation,
chanting, bhajans, etc.. The course will be held
daily in two separate sessions: 7-10 am. and 3-6 pm.
and will be jointly hosted by both Pancho and
Beatrix. ...Price: 19,000
baht...Contact Pantrix for reservations.......e-mail:
"Astro-Yoga Therapy"...Based
on medical asrology, Astro-Yoga Therapy correlates the
various planetary bodies in our solar system with
corresponding parts of the human body. Understanding
the influence of the Sun, Moon, and planets, along
with the positions of the twelve astrological signs
and houses in an astrological chart can provide
profound insight into the deeper long-term
circumstances that give each individual person their
own unique set of physical challenges.
Exposure of the underlying root patterns of physical
and spiritual dysfunction, as indicated by the birth
chart, allows for the formulation of personalized
strategies to restore health and vitality. In this
workshop we will learn many of the rudiments of
Medical Astrology and will explore the use of Yoga,
meditation, chanting, etc. as potential healing
modalities to alleviate different conditions. This
five day course will consist of two daily sessions
(morning 7-10 am and afternoon 3-6:00 pm) and will be
jointly hosted by both Pancho and Beatrix...Price:
8,800 baht...Note: prior attencence in the 'Astro-Yoga
4 Day Workshop' (or else a deeper knowlege of
astrology) is a required prerequisite for
participation in this course...Contact Pantrix for
reservations.......e-mail: pantrix@hotmail.com
Yin Yoga Workshop ...Yin
Yoga is a relatively modern addition to the spectrum of
Yoga-asana practice.. What distinguishes Yin Yoga from
other more familiar forms is it’s emphasis on the
connective tissues which combine with the bones to form
the underlying structural support of the human body. Yin
Yoga practice features less postures held for much
longer than is normal in asana practice. The postures
are specifically chosen to target problematic areas of
the ‘connective web’ of tissues that honeycomb the
entire body. When practiced correctly, Yin Yoga is, not
only, a very effective method of physiotherapy but,
also, extremely meditative as well. Beatrix offers 4 day
workshops, held daily form 9:00 AM-1:00 PM at the Nong
Khai Alternative Center. During this time two different
asana sequences are taught: one targeting the pelvic
region and the other for the spinal column. In addition,
there are daily guided meditations to increase awareness
of the energetic flow in both the physical and more
subtle bodies. The price for the four days (including
instructional materials) is 5,400 Thai
Baht.......Contact Beatrix for reservations.....e-mail:
pantrix@hotmail.com |
"Wheels of Life"....4 Day
Chakra Workshop...Higher Yogic practice
involves increasing focus on aspects of the self that
are above and beyond the physical plane of existance.
The ‘Chakra Workshop’ offered at the Nong Khai
Alternative Center uses Yoga asana, guided meditation,
and other creative means to explore and enhance the
development of awareness of the more subtle energetic
aspects of the self. Included is the usage of pendulums,
yantras, mandalas, and other intuitive means. Beatrix
offers 4 day workshops held daily from 9:00AM-6:00PM
(there is a 3 hour break between the morning and
afternoon sessions). The price for the four days
(including instructional materials) is 5,500 Thai
Baht........Contact Beatrix for reservations.....e-mail:
pantrix@hotmail.com |
Astro-Yoga 4 Day
Workshop...combines both Yoga and
Astrology. Each individual comes into this life with a
different set of personal character traits. In
astrological thinking, these correspond with the
position of the sun and it's planetary bodies at the
time of birth. Properly interpreted, the astrological
chart is a map of one's life and provides important
clues as to how one might improve one's life
circumstances. Every sign manifests a certain specific
energy. Astro-yoga takes this basic understanding and
provides a practical set of yoga exercises which will
help integrate specific and necessary energies into
one’s body/mind thus providing a direct method to make
important positive changes in one’s life. This 4 day
workshop includes: a basic understanding of
astrology...your personal birth chart with a basic
interpretation...Yoga asanas (postures) and pranayama
(breathing exercises) designed to correspond with
different signs and elements...a personalized workout
designed according to your own birth chart...group
discussions and tea. Price: 8,800 baht all inclusive...
Contact Beatrix Schilcher for reservations.......e-mail:
Spectral Healing 4 Day
Workshop...The aim of this 4-day workshop
is to increase awareness and sensitivity to wellbeing
from a more subtle energetic perspective. We will
explore ways of tuning into our intuitive abilities for
the purpose of gaining insight into the underlying root
causes behind physical disability. Based on the "Pranic
Healing" methods pioneered by Master Choa Kok Sui, the
three days will be devoted to learning how detect
energetic imbalances and how to use the multicolored
spectral pranic forces to clean, energize, and rebalance
the auric field....from 10am-1pm daily throughout the
duration of the course...Price: 7,700 baht...Contact
Beatrix Schilcher for reservations.......e-mail:
Monthly Energy Healing Sessions...Beatrix, in
conjunction with her longtime collaborator Suzy Fraser, is
now offering free Monthly Energy Healing Sessions. These
are group healings and are conducted at a distance. The
energetic frequencies that are utilized cover a broad
spectrum of light and information. Rather than being
directed at specific problematic areas, this energy has an
intelligence of its own and will always go to where it is
most needed. While it would be better during this type of
remote healing that the recipient set aside quiet time to
consciously participate in the session, it is not a
prerequisite condition. This type of remote healing works
even without the conscious participation of the
beneficiary. The simple intent of the healers is enough.
Please sign up by providing your name and location at:
sharelovelight@hotmail.com...applications should be
received by the evening (Thai time) of the day prior to
the healing...check the events page for scheduled dates...
Light Activation Healing
form of channeled energy, Light Activation penetrates
the many levels of our being bringing deep healing and a
profound sense of inner peace and harmony...this 6 day
workshop covers all of the techniques necessary to
practice Light Activation Healing...this workshop is
conducted by our good friend Suzy Fraser...you can
contact her for more information at:
"Flow Motion"...
Flow Motion is an intuitive movement practice and inner
healing journey, guided by music. Flow Motion helps you
to connect more deeply with your body, feelings and
authentic self-expression in the present moment. Access
your body’s natural, intuitive, creative wisdom that
knows how you want and need to move and express
yourself, moment by moment. Allow yourself to move into
greater freedom, balance, joy, creativity, confidence
and wholeness – step by step! Sessions will start with a
short guided body exploration exercise and different
themes will be offered throughout the year. Cost: 250
bhat per person. Time: 5.00 until 6.15pm. Please see: www.healinginthailand.com
"Creative Play
Workshop"...A fun, playful and
experiential workshop for anyone who would like to
reawaken, explore or develop their creative side – in
any area of their life! No artistic experience
required - just curiosity & the willingness to
express yourself & explore your own innate
creativity. Workshops are run by Clare, a professional
artist/art teacher and Silvie a therapist with over 10
years of experience, combining their joint interests
in creative expression and personal development. Their
simple guided exercises will help you to open up to
the intuitive, creative part of yourself & you
will have the chance to play, create & experiment
with a variety of media in a safe & supportive
environment...For more information see: http://www.cranio-sacral-oxford.com/workshops/
RETREAT (Part I) "Foundations of the Yogic Path"...The
focus of this one month experience will be both
educational and, also, a chance for a full month of
sustained, concentrated practice with a small group of
dedicated yogis...admission will be limited to persons
who have formerly participated at least once in our
7-day Yoga course and have sustained the practice
since...the emphasis of the month will be twofold: to
increase technical ability and theoretical understanding
of the Yogic system of self development, and, using this
increased understanding to deepen one’s own spiritual
practice by spending a whole month “in retreat” in a
wholesome supportive atmosphere surrounded by other
dedicated seekers...
Areas of emphasis to
Anatomy and Kinesiology
Yin Yoga
Prana Yama
Prana Vidya
Yoga Nidra
Suggested Literature:
*Asana, Pranayama and Bandhas
by Swami Satyananda Saraswati
*The Holographic Universe
by Michael Talbot
*The Power of Now
by Eckhart Tolle
Anatomy of Movement
by Blandine Calais-Germain
Yoga Nidra
by Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Light on Yoga (especially the introductory section)
by BKS Iyengar
*required reading
Basic daily schedule:
The basic schedule will be formatted so that Pancho will
lead the morning sessions (6:00-10:00 am.) which will
include an early meditation, asana, movement studies,
physical training, and chanting, etc....Beatrix will
conduct the afternoon activities (2:00-6:00 pm.) which,
in addition to the regular 2:00 pm. meditation will
include various esoteric forms of meditation such as
Prana Vidya, and Yoga Nidra, as well as Pranayama and
Yin Yoga...the course will run five and a half days a
week with one day and a half for rest and personal
The price for the entire
month is 44,000 Thai Baht
Food and lodging are, of
course, separate....
Limited space so reserve
*to reserve a place, we
would ask for a non-refundable deposit of 20% of the
total course fee (7,800 Baht)
P&B for reservations.......e-mail:
II) "Fundamental
Principles of Self Awareness"...This course is
a great continuation for students who have competed the
first one month course but, also, stands alone and is
not neccessarily contingent on prior participation in
the November course...notable differences between the
parts I and II would include added focus on the
relationship between one's astrological chart and the
physical body including a more detailed understanding of
therapeutic options to address individual needs in
relation to one's astrological profile...in addition we
will increase our focus on subtle energetics as defined
by the Chinese Taoist meridian system...this is both in
relation to the physique as well as its correlation to
one's astrological makeup...we will also introduce the
pelvic floor in both theory and practice as a way to
firm up our grounded connection with present reality...
Areas of emphasis to
Anatomy and Kinesiology
Yin Yoga
Prana Yama
Prana Vidya
Yoga Nidra
Basic daily schedule:
The basic schedule will be formatted exactly as it was
for the original advanced course so that Pancho will
lead the morning sessions (6:00-10:00 am.) which will
include an early meditation, asana, movement studies,
physical training, kirtan, and chanting, etc....Beatrix
will conduct the afternoon activities (2:00-6:00 pm.)
which, will include various esoteric forms of meditation
such as Prana Vidya, and Yoga Nidra, as well as
Pranayama, Yin Yoga, Astro-Yoga and work with the
chakras...the course will run five and a half days a
week with one day and a half a week for rest and
personal reflection.
The price for the entire
month is 44,000 Thai Baht
Food and lodging are, of
course, separate....
Limited space so reserve
*to reserve a place, we
would ask for a non-refundable deposit of 20% of the
total course fee (7,800 Baht)
P&B for reservations.......e-mail:
III) "Esoteric
Anatomy"...'Our Physical bodies are the
tangible crystallization of our soul's history.'
Starting with this premise, the third of our 'One Month
Advanced Yoga Course' offerings aims to deepen our
awareness of the more etherial aspects of our existence
by exploring the chakra system, and 'subtle bodies'
using using different modalities such as asana,
pranayama, pranavidya, chanting, medical astrology, Qi
Gong, etc.. While this course is an excellent follow-up
on the first and second One Month Advanced Yoga Courses,
it also works as a stand alone course for students who
have not previously completed either of the other
Areas of emphasis to
Esoteric Anatomy
Yin Yoga
Prana Vidya
Yoga Nidra
Medical Astrology (trauma signature in the chart)
Qi Gong
Basic daily schedule:
The basic schedule will be formatted exactly as it was
for the first two advanced courses. Pancho will lead the
morning sessions (6:00-10:00 am.) which will include an
early meditation, asana, movement studies, physical
training, energetic anatomy theory, kirtan, and
chanting, tonic herbs, kriyas, etc....Beatrix will
conduct the afternoon activities (3:00-6:00 pm.) which,
will include various esoteric forms of meditation such
as Prana Vidya, as well as Pranayama, Yin Yoga, medical
astrology and work with the chakras...the course will
run five and a half days a week with one day and a half
a week for rest and personal reflection.
The price for the entire
month is 44,000 Thai Baht
Food and lodging are, of
course, separate....
Limited space so reserve
*to reserve a place, we
would ask for a non-refundable deposit of 20% of the
total course fee (7,800 Baht)
P&B for reservations.......e-mail:
IV) "Esoteric
Anatomy II"...'Our Physical bodies are the
tangible crystallization of our soul's history.'
Starting with this premise, the fourth of our 'One Month
Advanced Yoga Course' offerings aims to deepen our
awareness of the more etherial aspects of our existence
by exploring the chakra system, and 'subtle bodies'
using different modalities such as asana, pranayama,
pranavidya, chanting, medical astrology, Qi Gong,
etc....This course is a continuation along the same
lines of "Esoteric Anatomy I" but is designed as a
'stand-alone' experience for those who have not
participated in the first course...while the first
Esoteric Anatomy emphasizes 'trauma signatures' as a way
of understanding the roots of various disabilities, this
second version will look at 'past life dynamics' as a
lens to self discovery...While this course is an
excellent follow-up on all of the other 'One Month
Advanced Yoga Courses', prior participation in one of
the previous courses is not a requirement....
Areas of emphasis to
Esoteric Anatomy
Yin Yoga
Prana Vidya
Yoga Nidra
Medical Astrology (past life dynamics in the chart)
Qi Gong
Basic daily schedule:
The basic schedule will be formatted exactly as it was
for the first two advanced courses. Pancho will lead the
morning sessions (6:00-10:00 am.) which will include an
early meditation, asana, movement studies, physical
training, energetic anatomy theory, kirtan, and
chanting, tonic herbs, kriyas, etc....Beatrix will
conduct the afternoon activities (3:00-6:00 pm.) which,
will include various esoteric forms of meditation such
as Prana Vidya, as well as Pranayama, Yin Yoga, medical
astrology and work with the chakras...the course will
run five and a half days a week with one day and a half
a week for rest and personal reflection.
The price for the entire
month is 44,000 Thai Baht
Food and lodging are, of
course, separate....
Limited space so reserve
*to reserve a place, we
would ask for a non-refundable deposit of 20% of the
total course fee (7,800 Baht)
P&B for reservations.......e-mail: